Friday, July 11, 2008

So Many and So Much

So many things in my head. So many ideas, so many to do lists, so many plans, so many complaints, so many blessings, so many wishes. I feel sometimes like I'm going to bubble over with words words words. I'm feeling a little bit like I did when my little Bird was a tiny baby and I never really got long stretches of sleep -- the sleep that your brain needs to defrag, recharge, and reboot.

Every time I think I can take two minutes to dump some of my "so manys" onto paper or screen, (or maybe actually do something), something comes up. Or, I take the time to go to the bathroom or I take the time to go to bed (very long stretches of sleep are still desired).

When did I have to start making time for bodily functions? I actually scheduled a meeting a little later than I could have so that I could be sure to have a moment between meetings to empty my bladder, wash my hands, and inhale some yogurt. That's not right. (Let me note, however, that I did not explain that this was the reason why I wanted to start at 2:30 instead of 2:00. Let's keep that between us.)

So much has been happening. The summer is flying by.

I've been meaning to record Bird's vocabulary of baby signs. He is becoming very proficient. He currently uses signs for hat, more, eat, drink, help, book, dog, bird (all beaked creatures), fan, music, monkey, and he made one up for glasses that he only uses when I put on my glasses. A few others are being acquired. It is so much fun to see him work to communicate with us. It is so rewarding to see him make the sign for drink and then receive a sippy cup and be so happy that his request was understood. I am looking forward to the onset of actual spoken words, but I am so glad that we have all learned some baby signs to make communication easier.

Bird is also getting so big. He has been walking now for about a month and a half. He has gotten very good at stacking blocks. He regularly asks for books and music and loves to dance. He could play ball for hours -- even by himself. He has started to color with toddler crayons and likes to give high-fives. Opening and closing drawers is one of his favorite things to do. He has also started to carve out tiny spaces in some of our rooms and sits quietly in them with a self-satisfied smile on his face. I put a blanket over the luggage rack in the guest room -- he sits in there with blocks. He pushes the trash can out of the way to sit under the kitchen counter. He squeezes behind the ficus in the living room and the petunias on the deck. He amazes me every day.

Work is huge right now. Huge. Much to do, much dependency on others to do their jobs, way behind schedule on a few things, much correcting of record-keeping to be done. Ack.

One of the items on my personal to do list for the summer is to get in touch with friends whom I have neglected to correspond with. In part I hope to accomplish that by updating this blog more frequently. I'm also hoping to be inspired to write something that is actually interesting.