It was a beautiful storm. I got everything about closed up, and the rain came down in sheets. The rain was preceded by tremendous wind. Really, really big wind. It blew around the rugs on the porch (which takes a lot), ripped branches from trees (and deposited them on the porch), it was super dark, and the temperature plummeted.
It appears the storm also brought the neighborhood a new member -- the picture above was taken from our porch. Yes, it's a duck. I noticed the duck yesterday afternoon after the storm had cleared and people began to return to the Maifest going on down the street. I heard a family talk about a duck in a puddle. I thought I would check it out -- what could this family be mistaking for a duck? There is no water around here. Sure, we live in the city by the lake, but the lake is a short drive away.
I was somewhat confident that the family wasn't looking at a duck due to the distance to the lake and a similar experience with a father and daughter hanging out at Lincoln Square a few years ago -- the little girl looked to be about four and was decked out in dress-up clothes, a boa, and plastic pink high heels. Dad looked exhausted and had given up chasing her around. She squealed with delight and ran in circles swatting at all of the pigeons screaming, "Daddy, Daddy, look! Look at the chickens!"
Dave calls that a "spend the college fund" moment.
So -- the duck. It's a duck! I watched the family watch the duck in amazement while it casually bathed itself in a big puddle. Then this afternoon (after coming back from the Maifest), I went out on the porch to water the flowers in my flowerboxes, and there was the duck!
I thought I would take a picture just to make sure no one uses this one against me....right, a duck, sure.
For those who are curious to know, the can in the lower left corner is indeed a Milwaukee's Best Light can.
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